Friday, August 13, 2010

10/12 HM ICC 25

Another awesome night with another awesome kill.
I could not describe how happy we were on H PP on Wednesday. 1 week ago, on the last pull on H PP, we eventually wiped at 3%. it was totally heartbreaking wipe. Now, the revenge had made and H PP was lying on the ground as we stand still.
Finally i earned my first heroic token on H PP and the cape from H VD. it was totally awesome.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Tree Tank!

Usually, we raided on last Sunday night for ICC 10 and I was one of healers for my 10man. Due to our great pally MIA (Big, thank you for your effort to pull up raid weeks by weeks.), an open tank spot was offering guilde to have some fun in ICC 10. However, no tanks took or even asked about the 10man ICC. After frustrating for 10 mins, 2 trees (Myth and I) were offering us to switch as tank in ICC 10. My gear seemed to be solid than Myth. So, I wore my tanking set and prepare to tank.

For your reference, I had limited experience on tanking. I had never completed an entire raid instance as a tank. I had tanked once in Naxx 10 with friends up to 4 horsemen. Other than that, I was, occasionally, as an off tank for Pugs like VOA, OS and weekly raid. Normally, I practiced my tank skill in heroic dungeons. Thanks to the over geared tanking set (5.6k GS with 59k hp full buffed), I had no difficult to tank in any heroic dungeons. I got complained once that my threat level was not generating fast enough to match my gear level (thank you an unknown pally with unleash damage before I pulled) . After I had a long study on my rotation with my new tanking gear, my threat generation was getting better now.
At Lord Marrowgar, we wiped twice (I admitted I was a noob). The main reason should be me because it had no idea how the hell the mechanism worked on this boss. After a detail explaining from ST, I stacked with him and we one shot killed all bosses in lower sphere. We headed to upper sphere and got one wipe on Rotface (I was healing on this boss with Marvic kiting Oozes) and got one shot Festergut (ST the solid tank, I was just watching ST to complete the boss). It was cool with weekly 10man quest bonus after killing both Rotface and Festergut.  We headed to Professor Putricide. I was on PP and ST on sucking green pool duty. It was not fun to pull the boss around (sometime I pull too far from healers or I was too close to bombs sigh). We were lucky that we pushed to phase 3 on first attempt, however, wiped on 2%. As a noob tank, I did my best to reposition PP at the center of the room in order to gain space on ooze kiting / dps. We did couple wipes on PP afterward. But we still managed to get PP down at the end. We headed to rescue the dragon; however, we failed and called around 2:30am EST.
This was my actually first time tanking in ICC. I admitted that I committed a lot of mistakes in the raid like draw too much aggo, being retarded and dancing while boss was going on rampaging. Well, it was fun to be a tank. However, I would rather wear my healing suit for raid. I didn’t know why and how. But healing is more interesting than tanking, imo. Hehe.

One week, 5 Hard Modes.

It was a great week since we had the Lich King down in Normal 25 man. We were eager to experience the Hard Mode in ICC 25.

The very first Hard Mode was Lord Marrowgar. The encounter was same as normal but the damage-wise on tank and raid increased significantly and Bone Spike would cast during the bone storm phase. Overall, we wiped once on learning. After that, we had the boss down smoothly. The key on this boss was positioning. Except hunters, all melees, ranges and healers should stay at the back of the Marrowgar. No one left the circle area where Marrowgar stand. During the bone storm phase, we just stayed away from Marrowgar and ran around within the circle area for avoiding frostfire on the ground. That would ensure no one got out of the range from out healers.
We skipped Lady Deathwhisper for hard mode attempt. On the hard mode of the LDW, she would continue summoning adds even the mana shield was down. And LDW was not tauntable on heroic mode. Then we ran as normal and killing was not a matter.

The second hard mode was gunship. IT WAS TOTALLY A JOKE!!! The boss and adds hit harder, and the rocket would cost knock back affect if you got hit. EVERYTHING WAS THE SAME AS NORMAL DID. We had the ship down one shot without trouble.
On Saurfang, we chose not to make attempt on him. Even we had to keep all blood beasts controlling when they were popped, the damage and blood rune gained in heroic mode was faster than the normal mode. We needed to have better preparation for him in future. So we killed Saurfang in normal way. Again, the cape I looked for didn’t drop.
Rotface, the third hard mode we made on ICC 25 last week. We had healers, melee and range into two groups in the room. Melee and healers should stay with boss, and ranges stayed 8 yard from healers/melee. The oozes needed to kite properly as well as to dispel the Mutated Infection once in position. So, it was not a hard encounter and we were happy to see it down 

Festergut was the fourth hard mode we completed. The fight was a dps race. However, Professor Putricide would throw Malleable Goo to raid. The goo dodge became a critical issue for everyone. Before the goo landed, the green circular animation appeared under the feet of the targeted member. It was easy to notice where the goo landed. The goo slowed the attack speed on melees/hunters and casting speed on Caster/healers. So the avoiding goo helped us to shorten the fight period. We tried couple of time for positioning healers, and range. We believed that healers should stick with melee and move along with melee to dodge goo.
The last boss we did on heroic mode was Blood Queen Lana'thel. Everything was same but the damage increased dramatically. As a raid healer, I was throwing Rejvs, WG and Regrowth to keep everyone top. My mana was drained and I was still keeping spamming WG/Nourish at the last 5% LOL. It was a tough but manageable encounter. We were happy to get BQL down and moved to rank 8th guilds in Elune with 5/12 In HM of ICC 25 :D
This week, we are expecting to rescue the dragon in HM. Interrupting, counterspell and stunning are the major elements for this boss. We are confident that we could do this boss on Tuesday. We want progression on HM and my finally goal chat with Lich King in Heroic Mode :D.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Lich King down, finally.

It was a great night. After Sindragosa down on late March, we had learned the Lich King for a month. Comparing to wiping on NRB @ TOGC, it was not a big deal. Progression we had made each week. We were getting confidence on Lich King each week. At the beginning of the April, We got him around 70%. 2 weeks ago, we had him like 50%. Last week, we pushed less than 20%. Finally, last night, we got him.

At the end of L8raid era, I accepted the invitation to become a part of Noctambulists. I had made myself a promise. LK MUST BE DOWN. Since then, we encountered all endgame contents one by one (Naxx, Ulduar, TOC, and finally ICC). You guys are awesome: The Solid tanks (Badger you should be proud of, Kwai you are a lovely fur ball, and Bloc, you are BLOC LIKE A ROCK), Well geared dps (all range and melee are superb) and an outstanding healing team (SUPERAWESOMEHEALINGDELIVEREDEVERYRAID [side note, I am one of them as long as I was not sleeping in front of my keyboard. :P]). I could see that this long journey had a perfect ending. With a new chapter starting, I could foresee more fun to laugh and more tears to drop in ICC 25 HM :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Good day Sindragosa! Good luck Lich King!

Finally we have down Sindragosa last night. First kill on this boss means our guild is one step closer to chat with Lich king on 25man content. I have practiced the boss mechanism from last 2 weeks (10 men and 25 men). Also, 2 pieces (at least) of frost resist gears are required for this boss. You have to have at least 300 frost resist (included frost resist aura / totem) on this boss. That is roughly 50% to 75% frost damage reduction from Sindragosa. Those gears will save you when you were at phase 3, being ice gripped, and having stacks of mystics buffet. Overall, we have improved on the position at phase 3 where the ice tomb placed on the stair near the platform rather than middle of stair. So dps and healers can run around easier. We hope we could have Blood Prince Council Blood Queen Lana'thel,and Professor Putricide done tonight. (FYI, we did not see the ICC weekly quest giver yet)I hope each one of us is exciting to chat with Lich King at 25 man instance.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tangible Vs intangible

on last Sunday night, I was missing VOA10 with ICC group (We usually cleared VOA 10 before we moved on to ICC). So, I pugged VOA10 on Monday night. When the time I was spamming on Trade and LFG channel, I received someone whisper asking about GS requirement for VOA10. I was hesitating for couple seconds. I invited that whispered one which was a lock. I checked his gear at Dal. I could tell it was decent with proper gemming even his GS was roughly 4.5k. We pugged, stormed in and cleared all before WG started. I had no doubted that I had invited couple great dps with this group. However, A 4.5k GS lock could do roughly 5k+ dps overall. Not bad, isn’t he?

I am not sure why suddenly GS became the most important issue for PUG. Yes, it is a reference to determine what your gears level are at. But Skill (e.g rotation/knowledge on mechanism) is measurable only if you are in raid (Wow-meter not Recount). With proper spec and rotation, there may have tiny dps difference between a dps with 4.7k GS and a dps with 5.1k GS. Please do not bring GS to raid. IT IS POINTLESS!

Darsonsind of Elune

Monday, March 22, 2010

More progression on ICC 10

More progression on ICC 10
On Last Sunday, I was late to log and found out that my ICC 10 was doing VOA 10 already.
We grouped up, headed to ICC10 and stormed in the Lower Spire. Due to lack of melee on Lady Deathwhisper (2 tanks ,1 retridin, 2 healers and rest are range dps), I had to re-spec as bear tank, one of the priest turned back to healer and one of the tanks switched to dps gear. It was fine due to limited resource on our group. We had no problem to clear Lower Spire within 40 minutes.

We ran to Rotface and we had two shot to get Rotface. One of us was suggesting waiting the CD for heroism (around 9 minutes). Our leader indicated that we had enough dps to push over the enrage timer. So we stepped in the door and engaged with Festergut. We had Festergut down with about 2 minutes left on exhaustion (we started the fight around 6 minutes on exhaustion). We called a bio break for 10 minutes.

After break, we had Professor Putricide to work on. It was not a hard encounter. However, without a proper position and team effort, it was hard like car hit a wall. We wiped on Putricide for couple times. On the winning pull, we managed to keep everything in good position. We avoided the goo. We had lucky on green ooze down quickly. We had people to kite orange ooze properly. At 35%, we saw green ooze was up. We managed to kill the ooze in short time (it was luck that we had no one killed from gas bomb) and defeated Professor Putricide before the green pool filled up everywhere.

It was around 2pm EST. so our raid leader decided to move on Valithria Dreamwalker then called for night. So, we cleared trashes, and Val'kyr. On Valithria, we had 3 healers on this boss. 2 healers went in the portal to stack buff. I was pleased to step in the portal and 100% on boss. We made 2 attempts on Valithria and we had her rescued. :) It was a good night to clear 8/12 boss in ICC 10.

On last Monday, it was a learning night on Blood Prince Council, Blood-Queen Lana'thel, and Sindragosa on ICC 10. We had most of our crews experienced those bosses at 25 man and even down Blood Prince Council and Blood-Queen Lana’thel. And, we heard that Blood Prince at 10 man was considering the most complex encounter expect The Lich King.

At the prince room, our raid leader explained the mechanism on the blood prince for 5 minutes long. So we engaged the bosses and wiped 1st pull. 2nd pull was an instant wipe due to the dead on one of tanks. On the winning pull, we had everything fine until 20%. ST (our tank) was suddenly dead due to lack of healing. Big grabbed 3 bosses, popped CD, called BR ST on vent. ST was up and taunted back one of bosses, and it was like 10%. Big was dead at 3% due to high amount of damage from bosses. ST popped his CD and was capable to last for 1% before his dead. At 2%, priests casted Divine hymn and I casted Tranquility to keep dps alive. It was an epic victory with 3 man stand.

The journal was moving on to Blood-Queen Lana'thel. We cleared trash and had some little reminds on moving out of fire, keeping distance on air phase , grouping at center when linked, and getting target to bite. It was shaky that people did not react quickly for the first time. Someone ran through the middle of the room when they got fire debuff. We lost one of healers when I was linking with him (sorry about that). Since that, we managed to heal through damage and nailed each step perfectly. We defeated Blood-Queen Lana'thel with one shot (no joke).
We had our 10 minutes break to get/craft frost resist gear and discussed the strategy on Sindragosa. From last night on Sindragosa, I found out that I needed to learn how to turn at middle air and run back to stair after Sindragosa dragged me under /sigh. Healing was not a big problem. The most annoying thing should be her debuff: “Unchained Magic” on you. Instability made me not cast any spell at least 5 second. Due to the Haste stacking, I did have any spell with casting time for more than 2.64 seconds. Each spell would refresh the debuff timer. So I stopped casting after 4 stack on debuff.

We spent almost around one hour and thirty minutes to learn on this boss. No winning pull we made. The best we could manage was about 21%. We needed to work on LOS healing issue. It was a great progression on our 10 man group. We were looking forward if we had all hand available.

A side note: adding a holy paladin is easy for us on phase 3 at Sindragosa. Technically, you couldn’t heal a target if one was lost of sight. But, Holy paladin could do beacon on LOS target and heal other target. The LOS target shall receive heal thanks to Beacon. Therefore, if a holy paladin beacon on the tank, he/she could stay behind the ice blocks all the time without any Mystic Buffet affected.